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Jenco pH Meters & Controllers

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pH Analyzers

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6308PT Popular! -2.00 to 16.00 0.01 pH 0.1% ± 1 lSD Analyzer
-10.0 to 120 °C 0.1 °C ±0.3 °C
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH single parameter analyzer with electrode efficiency display function. Features pH linear or antilog transmitter output, hysteresis control and uninterrupted operation during pH calibration. Has one 4-20mA output, 5 relays and a RS-485 communications interface. Graphical display. 115/230V AC. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6309PDT -2.00 to 16.00 0.01pH 0.1% ± 1 LSD Analyzer
0.0 to 60.00 ppm 0.01 ppm ± 0.2% of span
0 to 500.0% 0.1 % ± 0.2% of span
-10.0 to 120°C 0.1°C ± 0.1°C
Description: pH & D.O. analyzer, 1/4 DIN panel mount IP-65 case, polarographic sensor with replaceable membranes and programmable pressure and salinity compensation. Features 2 pH and 2 D.O. fully programmable relays and one for temperature. RS-485 interface, password protected with individual ID's. 4-20 mA analog output is fully programmable, assignable & reversible. Graphical display. Tinned lead connectors. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6309POT Popular! -2.00 to 16.00 0.01pH 0.1% ± 1 LSD Analyzer
-2500~2500mV 1mV ±0.1% rdg ± 1mV
-6499~6499mV 1mV ±0.1% rdg ± 1mV
-10.0 to 120 °C 0.1°C ± 0.3°C
Description: pH & ORP analyzer,1/4 DIN panel mount IP-65 case. Features 2 pH and 2 ORP fully programmable relays and one for temperature. RS-485 interface, password protected with individual ID's. 4-20 mA analog output is fully programmable, assignable & reversible. Graphical display. Tinned lead connectors. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6311 -2.00 to 16.00 0.01pH ± 0.1 % pH ± 1 LSD Analyzer
-2500~2500mV 1mV ± 0.1 % mV
-6499~6499mV 1mV ± 0.1 % mV
-10.0 to 120 °C 0.1°C ± 0.3°C
Description: pH & ORP analyzer,1/4 DIN panel mount IP-65 case. Features 4 fully programmable relays for pH or ORP and one for wash. RS-485 interface, password protected with individual ID's. 4-20 mA analog output is fully programmable, assignable & reversible. Tinned lead connectors. CE Approved .

Benchtop pH meters
Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
1671 -2.00 ~ 16.00 0.01 pH 0.1% ± 1 digit Benchtop
-999 ~ 999 mV 1 mV 0.1% ± 1 digit
0.0 us/cm ~ 199.9 ms/cm (over 5 ranges) 0.01 us/cm ~ 0.1 ms/cm (over 5 ranges) ± 0.1% F,S., ± 0.2% reading
0.0 ~ 100 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5°C ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV/Conductivity/Temperature benchtop meter with dual LCD displays for conductivity and pH/mV/temp. Has dual analog voltage outputs for pH/mV and conductivity. Connectors are BNC, Jenco 4-Pin Jenco screw type connector for 10K thermistor ATC. Features cell adjust and 4.01/7.00/10.01 buffer select. Built in transformer for 115/230 VAC operation or battery powered via 6 AA batteries.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3601 0.00~14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.02% ± 1 LSD Benchtop
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV 0.05% ± 1 LSD
Description: pH/ORP controller with dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set points via potentiometers and calibration via potentiometers with a voltage/recorder output and has an internal pH/ORP select switch and large bright red LED display uses a BNC input and spade lug screw type connector block requires a Pt-100 ATC or a simulation resistor for temperature.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6072 -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.1% Benchtop
-999 ~ 999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 99.9 °C 0.1 °C ±0.5°C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. dual purpose bench and portable meter, microprocessor based with build in tabletop stand, LCD digital display and ATC. Features include a voltage recorder output, and both Jenco 4-Pin, 3-in-1 and BNC input connectors, electrode reference input pin and Jenco screw type ATC input. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6091N 2.00 to 16.00 0.01 ±0.01 ± 1 digit Benchtop
-999 to 999 1 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 to 99.9 °C 0.1 ±0.5 ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV/Temp. benchtop meter, microprocessor based with built in paper printer with time date stamp and optional RS-232C computer interface. Features a voltage recorder output and dual LCD digital displays for time/date and pH/mV/ temp. Connectors are a Jenco 4-Pin, BNC and a reference pin connector. AC/DC Powered with built in 115/230 volt transformer.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6171  -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit Benchtop
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1.0 mV ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit
5.0 to 125.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. bench meter, microprocessor based with RS-232C IBM compatible computer interface with dual pH/mV and temperature LCD digital displays, BNC input and ATC probe uses an 8-pin DIN type input. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6171L -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit Benchtop
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1.0 mV ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit
5.0 to 125.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. bench meter, microprocessor based with dual pH/mV and temperature LCD digital displays, BNC input and ATC probe uses an 8-pin DIN type input. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6173 New! Popular! -2.00 to 20.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.01 pH ± 1 LSD Benchtop
-2000 to 2000 mV 1.0 mV ±0.05% mV of rdg(range) ± 1 LSD
-10.0 to 120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C ± 1 LSD
Description: pH/mV/Temp benchtop meter with an extra large LCD display for ease of use. Features a splash proof and rugged case ideal for schools and universities. Features EEF, Electrode Efficiency Function, multiple buffers 4.00, 4.01, 6.86, 7.00, 9.18 & 10.0 and automatic slope, buffer and electrode offset recognition. Has power down memory backup and works on 6 AA batteries or 115/230 V AC adapters. CE Approved & ISO 9001 Certified.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6173R New! -2.00 to 20.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.01 pH ± 1 LSD Benchtop
-2000 to 2000 mV 1.0 mV ±0.05% mV of rdg(range) ± 1 LSD
-10.0 to 120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C ± 1 LSD
Description: pH/mV/Temp benchtop meter with a very large LCD display for ease of use. Features a splash proof and rugged case ideal for schools and universities. Features EEF, Electrode Efficiency Function, multiple buffers 4.00, 4.01, 6.86, 7.00, 9.18 & 10.0 and automatic slope, buffer and electrode offset recognition. Has power down memory backup and works on 6 AA batteries or 115/230 V AC adapters. CE Approved & ISO 9001 Certified. RS-232C output.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6201 0 ~ 14.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.1% Benchtop
-2047 ~ 2047 mV 1 mV ± 0.05
-409.5 ~ 409.5 Emv 0.1 mV ± 0.05%
-10 ~ 125 °C 1 °C ± 0.5
Description: pH/mV/Temp. bench meter, microprocessor based with red LED digital display and manual or Pt-100 ATC temperature compensation. Connectors are a BNC input, reference input pin and banana plug connectors for the ATC . Meter does not offer direct Ion concentration readout but requires data to be graphed and interpreted. AC Powered only built in transformer 115/230 volts.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6209 Discontinued 
see 6219
0 ~ 14.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.1% Benchtop
-2047 ~ 2047 mV 1 mV ± 0.05
-409.5 ~ 409.5 Emv 0.1 mV ± 0.05%
1.0 ~ 995.0 conc. (over 6 ranges) 0.5 conc. ~ 5.0 conc. (over 6 ranges) ± 0.1%
-10 ~ 125 °C 1 °C ± 0.5
Description: pH/mV/Temp./ION bench meter, microprocessor based with direct Ion concentration readout, and red LED digital display. Temperature compensation is manual or Pt-100 ATC. Connectors are BNC input, reference pin input and banana plugs for ATC. AC Powered only built in transformer 115/230 volts.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6219  -2.000 ~ 16.000 pH 0.01 pH or 0.001 pH ( selectable ) ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit Benchtop
-1999.9 ~ 1999.9 mV 1 mV or 0.1 mV ( selectable ) ± 0.1 % ± 1 digit
0.00~119.8 conc., 
over 3 ranges
0.05~0.2 conc., 
over 3 ranges
± 2 LSD
5.0 to 125.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp./ION bench meter, microprocessor based with direct Ion concentration readout and RS-232C IBM compatible computer interface. Features dual pH/mV/Ion and temperature LCD digital displays, uses a BNC input and 8-Pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
63 0~14pH ±0.2pH ±0.05 pH (Relative: within 2pH of Calibration Buff Benchtop
Description: pH Analog benchtop meter with pH 0.00 to 14.00 mirrored analog scale with +/ 0.04 pH readability using the mirrored scale. Temperature compensation is manual. pH calibration is via knobs and input connector is BNC. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6307 - 2.00 to 16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH ± 1 LSD Benchtop
0.00 uS/cm to 30.00 mS/cm (K=1.0 over 4 ranges) 0.01 uS/cm to 0.01 mS/cm (K=1.0 over 4 ranges) ± 0.5 % full scale
0.0 uS/cm to 200.0 mS/cm (K=5.0 over 4 ranges) 0.1 uS/cm to 0.1 mS/cm (K=5.0 over 4 ranges) ± 0.5 % full scale
0.0 to 80.0 ppt 0.1 ppt ± 1 % full scale
- 5.0 to 75.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.1 °C
Description: pH/Conductivity/Salinity/Temperature benchtop meter with dual LCD displays for conductivity and r pH/mV/temp. Features cell adjust and 4.01/7.00/10.01 buffer select.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
671P 0~14.00pH 0.01pH ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Benchtop
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 100 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5°C ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV/Temp. benchtop meter with LCD digital display, voltage recorder output, Karl Fisher output and Pt-100 ATC or manual temperature compensation. Calibration is via knobs and potentiometer. Connectors are BNC or U.S. standard connector with reference pin and banana plugs for ATC and recorder. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
672P 0~14.00pH 0.01pH ± 0.01 ± 1 digit Benchtop
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 100 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5°C ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV/Temp. dual purpose benchtop and portable meter with built in desktop stand with LCD digital display, voltage recorder output and Pt-100 ATC or manual temperature compensation. pH calibration is via knobs and potentiometer. Connectors are BNC, reference pin and banana plugs for ATC and recorder. AC/DC Powered.

pH Controllers
Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3671N Popular! 0~14.0 0.1 0.1 ± 1digit Controller
-1990~1990 mV 10 ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 100 °C 1 1 ± 1 digit
Description: 1/8 DIN panel mount pH/ORP controller with dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set points and calibration are via potentiometers. Features a voltage/recorder output and an internal pH/ORP select switch. Display is a large bright red LED. Connectors are a BNC input and spade lug screw type connector block. Meter requires a Pt-100 ATC or a simulation resistor for temperature. Power115/230A AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3675 Popular! 0~14.00 0.01 ± 0.01 Controller
-1999~1999 mV 1 ± 0.1%
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH/ORP controller/transmitter with dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set points and calibration are via potentiometers. Features a 4-20 mA current output and has an external pH/ORP select switch. Display is a large LCD. Connectors are a BNC and spade lug screw type connector blocks. Meter requires a Pt-100 ATC or a simulation resistor for temperature. Power 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3676 0~14.00 0.01 ± 0.01 Controller
-1999~1999 mV 1 ± 0.1%
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH/ORP controller/transmitter with dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set points and calibration are via potentiometers. Features a 4-20 mA current output and has an external pH/ORP select switch. Display is a large bright red LED display. Connectors are a BNC input and spade lug screw type connector blocks. Meter requires a Pt-100 ATC or temp. simulation resistor. Power 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3677 0.00~14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.1% ± 1 LSD Controller
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV 0.1% ± 1 LSD
Description: 1/8 DIN vertical configuration panel mount pH/ORP controller/transmitter with dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set points and calibration are via potentiometers. Features a 4-20 mA current output and has an external pH/ORP select switch. Display is a large LCD. Connectors are a BNC input and spade lug screw type connector blocks. Meter requires a Pt-100 ATC or temp. simulation resistor. Power 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
3679N New! 0.00~14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.1% ± 1 LSD Controller
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV 0.05% ± 1 LSD
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH/ORP controller/transmitter in a waterproof IP-65 enclosure. Features, LCD display, dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, manual set point adjust and pH calibration via potentiometers. For ORP there is a Zero Adjustment and pH/ORP is selectable via a shorting plug. Output is 4-20 mA current type. Connectors are a spade lug circular connector for pH+. All other connections are tinned leads to terminal blocks. Temperature compensation is a Pt-100 ATC or simulation resistor. Power 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6303C -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Controller
-1999 ~ 1999mV 1 mV ± 0.1%
-3.0 ~ 115.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.2 °C
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH controller, microprocessor based with membrane type keypad and password protection. Meter has a programmable, reversible and isolated 4- 20 mA current output and dual SPDT relays. Connectors are a BNC and spade lug terminal blocks. ATC is a 10K thermistor or simulation resistor. Features a NEMA-4 type bezel for watertight seals against mounting panels. 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6303P -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Controller
-1999 ~ 1999mV 1 mV ± 0.1%
-3.0 ~ 115.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.2 °C
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount pH controller microprocessor based with membrane type keypad and password protection. Meter has a programmable, reversible and isolated pulse frequency output and dual SPDT relays. Connectors are BNC and spade lug terminal blocks. ATC is a 10K thermistor or simulation resistor. Features a NEMA-4 type bezel for watertight seals against mounting panels. 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6503 -2.00 to 16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01pH ± 1 digit Controller
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ±0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 115 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.2 °C ± 1 digit
Description: 1/4 DIN panel mount ORP controller/transmitter, microprocessor based, password protected with membrane keypad. LCD displays ORP or pH and temp. Meter has dual SPDT Hi/Lo relays, with programmable hysteresis and a reversible, isolated and programmable 4-20 mA output. Connectors are dual BNC for pH/ORP and spade lug type. ATC is 10K thermistor or simulation resistor. Power 115 / 230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6715 0.0~14.0 pH 0.01 pH 0.2% ± 1 LSD Controller
-1999 ~ 1999mV 1 mV 0.05% ± 1 digit
Description: Wall mounted controller available in 3 models. Model 6715 controls pH & ORP and is intended for Aquarium use, model 6715-01 controls pH & ORP and is for Pool & Spa use. Model 6715-pH is intended for Pools and controls only pH. Units have two energized 115 volt AC, 3-prong U.S. standard electrical sockets for plugging in dosing pumps. Connectors are BNC for pH/ORP and banana plugs for the 10K ATC.

pH pens
Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
610 0-14 .0 pH 0.1 pH ± 0.2pH Pen
Description: pH Tester personal pocket pen style with single point calibration. 4 x 1.5 V Batteries

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
612 0~14.00pH 0.01 pH ±0.05pH ± 1 digit (relative) Pen
Description: Portable Digital pH Stick Meter with replaceable pH electrode. Features dual point calibration and has manual temperature compensation. 9 Volt Battery.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
618  0.00 to 14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.02 pH ± 1 LSD Pen
0.0 to 99.9 °C 0.1 °C 0.3 °C ± 1 LSD
32.0 to 211.8 °F 0.1 °F 0.6 °F ± 1 LSD
Description: pH Vision Plus is the latest addition to Jenco’s ultra-portable pocket meters. pH Vision Plus takes useful features typically found in larger, portable meters and packed them into a small, easy to use package.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
620 0-14 .0 pH 0.1 pH ± 0.1pH Pen
Description: pH Tester personal pocket pen style with ATC and dual point calibration. 4 x 1.5 V Batteries.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
620D 0-14 .0 pH 0.1 pH ± 0.1pH Pen
Description: pH Tester personal pocket pen style with ATC and dual point calibration. 4 x 1.5 V Batteries.

pH portable meters
Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
5001 0~14.00pH 0.05 pH ± 0.03pH ± 1 digit Portable
Description: pH handheld meter with build in tabletop stand and LCD digital display. Manual temperature compensation and pH standardization calibration is via knobs and pH slope calibration is via potentiometer. Input connector is BNC type. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
5003 0~14.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.01pH ± 1 digit Portable
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV handheld meter with build in tabletop stand with LCD digital display. Manual temperature compensation and pH standardization calibration is via knobs and pH slope calibration is via potentiometer. Input connector is BNC type. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
5005 0 ~ 14.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01pH ± 1 digit Portable
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0 ~ 100.0 °C 0.1 °C 0.5 °C ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV/Temp. handheld meter with build in tabletop stand with LCD digital display. Meter has both ATC and manual temperature compensation. pH standardization calibration is via knobs and pH slope calibration is via potentiometer. Features include a voltage recorder output, reference input pin and BNC input connector. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
60  0~14.00pH 0.01 pH 0.01 ± 1 digital Portable
Description: pH handheld meter with BNC, LCD display and manual temperature compensation with two point calibration via potentiometers for ease of use. Case is rugged and splash resistant. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6007 -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.1 % Portable
0 ~ 99.9 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5
Description: pH/Temp. handheld splash proof meter, microprocessor based with LCD display of both temperature and pH. Uses Jenco 4-pin connector and 3-in-1 pH electrodes and has separate Jenco screw type ATC connector for 10K thermistor temperature probes. AC/DC Powered, 9 volt battery.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
601A 0~14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.01 pH ± 1 digit Portable
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV 0.1% ± 1 digit
Description: pH/mV handheld meter with manual temperature compensation and pH calibration via knobs and pH slope calibration potentiometer. Has LCD digital display, BNC connector, voltage recorder output and reference electrode pin. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6027 -2.00 ~ 16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01pH ± 1 LSD Portable
-1999 ~ 1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% FS ± 1 LSD
-5.0 to 125.0 °C 0.1 °C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. handheld splash proof meter, microprocessor based with LCD display of both temperature and pH. Uses Jenco 4-pin connector and 3-in-1 pH electrodes and has separate Jenco screw type ATC connector for 10K thermistor temperature probes. AC/DC Powered, 9 volt battery.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
609 0~14.00 pH 0.01pH 0.01 pH ± 1 digit Portable
Description: pH handheld meter with LCD digital display and manual temperature compensation. pH calibration is via knobs and pH slope calibration potentiometer. Meter has voltage recorder output and BNC connector. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
611 Scale 2-12 pH,can be used over 0-14 pH range ± 0.03pH ±0.05 pH(Relative) Portable
Description: pH Analog handheld meter with pH 2.0 to 12.00 mirrored analog scale usable over 0-14 pH range with manual temperature compensation. pH calibration is via knobs and pH slope calibration potentiometer, connector is BNC. AC/DC Powered.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6230 -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
-5.0~125.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with RS-232-C IBM compatible communication interface and BNC, pH/ORP connector with 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6230M New! -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.05 % full scale
-10.0~120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.3 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with 3 point calibration, 40 memory storage, RS-232-C IBM compatible communication interface and BNC, pH/ORP connector with 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6230N  -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.05 % full scale
-10.0~120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.3 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with 3 point calibration, RS-232-C IBM compatible communication interface and BNC, pH/ORP connector with 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6231 -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
-5.0~125.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with 4-pin connector for Jenco 3-in-1 pH/ATC electrodes. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6231M -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.05 % full scale
-10.0~120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.3 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with 3 point calibration, 40 memory storage, BNC, pH/ORP connector with 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6231N  -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV ± 0.05 % full scale
-10.0~120.0 °C 0.1 °C ±0.3 °C
Description: pH/mV/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with 3 point calibration, BNC, pH/ORP connector with 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6250 -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH or0.001pH(selectable) ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV or 0.1mV(selectable) ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0.00~119.8 conc., 
over 3 ranges
0.05~0.2 conc., 
over 3 ranges
± 2 LSD
-5.0~125.0 °C 0.1°C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/ION/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case with RS-232-C IBM compatible communications interface, BNC pH/mV/ION connector and 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6251 -2.00~16.00 pH 0.01 pH or0.001pH(selectable) ± 0.1% ± 1 digit Portable
-1999~1999 mV 1 mV or 0.1mV(selectable) ± 0.1% ± 1 digit
0.00~119.8 conc., 
over 3 ranges
0.05~0.2 conc., 
over 3 ranges
± 2 LSD
-5.0~125.0 °C 0.1°C ± 0.5 °C
Description: pH/mV/ION/Temp. microprocessor handheld meter in splash proof case, BNC pH/mV/ION connector and 8-pin DIN ATC connector. AC/DC power. CE Approved.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
6350 -2.00 to 16.00pH 0.01 pH ± 0.01 pH ± 1 LSD Portable
-1500 to 1500 mV 1 mV ± 0.01 % ± 1 LSD
0 uS/cm to 30.00 mS/cm (K=1.0 over 4 ranges) 0.01 uS/cm to 0.01mS/cm (K=1.0 over 4 ranges) ± 0.5% FS
0 uS/cm to 200.0 mS/cm (K=5.0 over 4 ranges) 0.1 uS/cm to 0.1 mS/cm (K=5.0 over 4 ranges) ± 0.5% FS
0.0 to 80.0 ppt 0.1 ppt ±1% FS
-5.0 to 75.0 Centigrade 0.1 Centigrade ± 1 Centigrade
Description: The Jenco 6350 is a high performance pH/Conductivity/Salinity/mV/Temp. handheld meter in a splash proof case with an RS-232C interface that allows it to communicate with any IBM compatible PC. This meter is CE approved and features 0.01 pH Resolution and a mV range of ± Salinity is in the range of 0.0 to 80.0 ppt with a 0.0 ppt resolution. Conductivity Cells are selectable for K=1.0 or K=5.0 and ranges are selectable for uS or mS.

pH Transmitters
Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
691N Popular! 0.00~14.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.02 pH ± 1 LSD Transmitter
Description: 1/8 DIN panel mount pH transmitter with calibration by potentiometers. Has a manual temperature control knob and normal transmitter output of 4-20 mA output for 0-14 pH range or in expanded mode 4-2mA can be for any 2 pH units from 0 to 14 pH. Features a large bright red LED display. Connectors are a BNC pH input and spade lug screw type connector block. 115/230V AC.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
692 0.00~14.00 pH 0.01pH ± 0.02 pH ± 1 LSD Transmitter
Description: 1/8 DIN panel mount pH transmitter with 4-20 mA output and calibration by potentiometers. ATC temperature control uses a Pt-100 or simulation resistor. Features a large LCD display and uses a BNC input and spade lug screw type connector block.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
693pH 0 to 14.00 pH N/A 0.02pH ± 1 digit Transmitter
Description: 2-wire 4-20 mA pH transmitter in a sealed NEMA-4 enclosure powered by 11 to 80 Volts DC. Span is fixed 0-14 pH. Connectors are BNC and tinned leads for 3-K Balco ATC sensor or simulation resistor.

Model Range Resolution Accuracy Type
695pH 0 to 14.00 pH 0.01 pH 0.02pH ± 1 digit Transmitter
Description: 2-wire 4-20 mA pH transmitter in a sealed NEMA-4 enclosure with an LCD display powered by 11 to 80 Volts DC. Span is selectable any 1 to 14 pH unit via internal dip switch. Connections are BNC for pH and tinned leads for 3-K Balco ATC sensor or simulation resistor.